Physical activity improves academic performance
5 August 2020

How Physical Activity Improves Academic Performance?

By Harika Nandipati

Physical activity is an essential part of child development, both physically and mentally. In this article, we will learn how Physical Activity in children improves their Academic performance?

 Physical activity improves academic performance.

Good were the days when it was a common sight to see children playing outdoors, unlike today. Since it’s more popular to play video games and watch favorite shows than step out and play.

Perhaps not just video games, but most children’s activities these days are indoors and with less physical activity.

Several studies have proved that physical activity in children is directly related to the development and performance of their brains.

Studies also suggest that subjects such as mathematics and physics are most influenced by physical activity. Not only that, but physical activity also enhances Children’s memory and ability to learn quickly.

We all know that active people are healthier, they live longer and are less prone to mental illness.

Physical Activity Improves Academic Performance
Photo by Lukas from Pexels

We all know that active people are healthier, they live longer and are less prone to mental illness.

Outdoor games and sports lay a strong foundation from childhood. Unfortunately, in this fast-paced and competitive world, we make children focus on studies more than play.

Children these days mostly sit either in the classroom/studying or in front of the television or a computer.

This kind of sedentary lifestyle leads to increased obesity at an early age and slower brain growth. Adding to that, many schools are now under great pressure to improve academic achievement. Thus by inspiring children to study more and play less.

How physical activity improves academic performance?

Every child is born with different skills, they are born smart and talented. However, we can see that some kids struggle in their academic performance, not because they’re not smart. It’s because we are working against them.

Making a child sit down and study all day without any physical activity doesn’t do him any good. In addition, it affects him physically and mentally in the long run.

There are several studies that have shown that regular exercise in kids can have an impact on their cognitive skills. Exercise directly impacts the function of the brain as it contributes to an increased supply of oxygen to the brain.

Regular physical activity improves brain-derived neurotrophins that enable the brain to grow. Within brain regions responsible for learning abilities, increased thinking, and memory, neurons thrive because of these neurotrophins.

 Physical activity improves academic performance.

Studies also show that mathematics and reading are subjects that are most influenced by the active lifestyle of children.

Physical exercise also raises the number of brain neurotransmitters that allow you to concentrate, understand, learn, remember, and manage stress. It also ensures better interactions between regions of the brain.

Encouraging physical activity among children not only improves their academic performance. It also leads them to a healthier mind and body.

With the kind of pressure and stress that we place on children these days. Encouraging them to spend time playing outside will keep them stress-free and happy. A healthy and stress-free brain in children works wonders to score high academically.

Why Physical Exercise ?

It is important to remember that physical activity is important for the growth and coordination of the child’s body.

Outdoor games and activities help children grow fit and be physically and mentally versatile. It also strengthens their bodies and allows them to become more confident. We all know that confidence is the key to success in everything.

Therefore Physical activity improves academic performance.

The development of cognitive, social, and emotional skills is extremely necessary for children and is possible due to regular exercise. It also ensures happiness and better immunity in kids.

During good old days, children were always encouraged to play outdoors. I believe that this is one of the reasons for a strong immunity in the older generations comparatively.

 Physical activity improves academic performance.

Research suggests that children playing outdoors regularly are more curious and enthusiastic. Not only that they are self-directed, and are able to solve tasks faster than those without physical activity.

 When kids play outside, studies have shown that the pineal gland is activated by light. That part of the brain is important to keep us happy and helps us to maintain strong immunity.

Children along with physical exercise should also be encouraged with good food for great performance academically. One of the best foods that enhance brain functioning is Pumpkin seeds.

General belief that most of us are following.

In this competitive environment, the pressure to excel starts from school days.

The most common misconception by parents is that encouraging children to play is only a waste of time. They think to score high ranks and to use their time more productively.

Another belief is that children playing on the ground do not perform well in the academics. Most parents will not assign a set time for children to play outdoors, although the plays are usually indoors.

Nowadays, many schools are not promoting playtime and are redirecting time towards libraries or indoor activities for better ranks.

Tips to Motivate Physical activity to improve Academic Performance:

  • It is understandable that in these times of the pandemic, it is not safe for children to play outdoors. Therefore, they should be encouraged to exercise at home at present.
  • Making their exercise routine enjoyable and joyful. For instance, motivating them to use workout cycles or to jog on a treadmill or rope skipping.
  • Parents should also start working out along with children to make it more interesting and fun.
Physical Activity Improves Academic Performance
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels
  • Give them the task of climbing up and down the stairs.
  • Parents should teach children to help them in their daily household chores. For instance, children can assist them in cleaning rooms and decorating houses, etc.
  • Invest in a few fun outdoor toys that will draw them away from screens, back into the outdoor environment.
  • Teach Kids your favorite childhood games and let them enjoy their childhood days just as you did.
  • Switch on their favorite music and encourage them to dance, this is a great aerobic exercise and fun, too.
  • Motivate them to run every day for at least 30 minutes.
  • Swimming is the perfect activity for an active brain and body for kids and adults both. Encourage them to swim every day.