uses of ginger
10 June 2020

Proven Health Benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil.

By Harika Nandipati

Ginger, a miraculous herb present in our kitchen, is an answer to many of our problems like digestion, joint pains, circulatory disorders, upset stomach, nausea, weight loss, cold & flu to name a few. In this article, you will learn about the health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil.

How many of us know that Ginger has an amazing part to play in obtaining beautiful hair, skin, and nails?

Surprisingly, Ginger is not only meant for its benefits to great health but also for its use to attain beautiful appearance.

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

My grandmother always insisted we use Ginger for many small and big health issues we have faced.

I did not understand the importance of Ginger way back then but now when I researched more into it, I found out unbelievable truths about Ginger.

I would call it the “awesome Ginger”.

This article talks about this herb from its origin, its uses, when to use and how to use and many more, stay with me!

Origin and Usage of Ginger:

Ginger, known as the “Universal medicine” in the Ayurveda texts, has been used by Humans for many years for various health problems. Ginger’s therapeutic importance has been isolated and tested by today’s scientific research against some of the most common diseases and health conditions.

Though its exact botanical origin is unknown, it has played a powerful role in Indian Ayurveda and Chinese ancient medicines. Meant to give us good health and also to enhance the taste of many cuisines, Ginger is a must in almost every kitchen in Ancient India. Our ancestors have used Ginger as a remedy to cure and prevent many health issues. Even today in most Indian recipes Ginger is a common ingredient used by almost all the cultures either in the form of freshly grated “Ardrakam” or in the form of dried “Shuntha” (Sanskrit).

There is a saying in Ayurveda that “everyone should eat a small piece of fresh Ginger before lunch and dinner to strengthen the digestive system”.

Benefits of Ginger for Health :

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

Let us first see the various benefits of Ginger for good health.

After that, I will provide you with a lot of simple tips to use it regularly to obtain its benefits.

  • Ginger is the best remedy for motion or airsickness and also for morning sickness in pregnant women.
  • As Ginger helps improve the absorption of nutrients, micro-circulatory channels can be effectively cleared.
  • It is a quick remedy for better elimination of toxins and other wastes.
  • With its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, Ginger can effectively heal many digestive related problems.
  • As per Ayurveda, one of the best medicine for cold is Ginger.
  • Even today, Ginger is used as one of the home remedies for Menstrual cramps.
  • It contains a bioactive constituent called Gingerol, which can hinder the growth of many kinds of bacteria including oral bacteria linked to inflammatory diseases in gums, namely gingivitis and periodontitis.
health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil
  • In Ayurveda, Ginger is known as “kāsaśvāsahara” due to its effective nature of alleviating cough and breathing difficulties.

Fights Cancer:

A recent study has shown that Ginger is a natural fighter of Cancer with its antioxidant properties. It is considered to be more powerful than chemotherapy for cancer treatment.

The anti-cancer properties of ginger come from its compounds 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol that fight against the gastrointestinal tract and aim in killing the cancer cells.

Benefits of Ginger for Weight Loss:

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

Eating Ginger regularly along with an exercise regime like walking, running, aerobics, yoga, or any other you are comfortable with can help you lose that excess stubborn fat. Ginger can boost your metabolism, helping to burn the extra fat.

Don’t forget to eat healthy to loose weight faster.

Home made tips for Weight loss with Ginger:

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

1. Take a bottle of water, add a few slices of lemon, Ginger, and a few leaves of mint to the water and leave it overnight (don’t refrigerate). Drink this infused water the next day after straining it.

2. Mix a tablespoon of Ginger juice with a cup of Green tea and squeeze half a lemon, drink this wonderful tea every day after 1 hour of your breakfast or lunch.

Note: Don’t have this tea more than twice a day.

Benefits of Ginger for Skin and Hair:

How many of us know Ginger has enormous advantages to having good skin and Hair? Surprisingly, that’s right, Ginger is one of nature’s greatest beauty gifts too.

Let’s take a closer look…

Ginger as a Hair growth promoter:

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

Ginger, is one of the best remedies for hair loss. It is an old known method to boost hair growth.

Stimulates hair follicles, nourishes the scalp, and combats hair growth.

Ginger contains phosphorus and zinc which add shine to the dry hair. This is why it proves to be a great remedy for dry hair. If you would like to know about another incredible option for hair growth, click.

Ginger, for Dandruff free Hair:

With it’s antiseptic properties ginger can heal dandruff prone hair, making it free of dandruff.

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

Hair Treatments to try at home:

1. Take 1 Table spoon of Fresh Ginger juice and add that to 4 table spoons of coconut oil, mix well and apply it to dry hair. Wait 30 minutes before washing your hair with luke warm water and a mild shampoo. and then wash your hair with luke warm water and mild shampoo. Try it once a week for lustrous hair.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons of Ginger juice with 4 tablespoons of Olive oil and add a dash of lemon to this mixture. Let it sit for a few minutes, then apply it to the scalp and wash it off after 20 minutes. Try it twice a week and enjoy dandruff free hair.

Ginger, a natural anti-aging home remedy:

As Ginger is rich in antioxidants, it improves the quality of your skin’s collagen and thus acts as acting as an anti-aging remedy.

Rubbing a small slice of Ginger on your skin every day can leave your skin fresh and blemish-free. It also prevents wrinkles.

It can also improve the quality of your skin by removing toxins. Ginger can stimulate the circulation of the blood, giving your skin a glow. Try Ginger to look young always.

As a Hypo-pigmented / white scar treatment:

The skin color becomes white or lighter when it loses pigments and as a result, hypopigmented scars are formed.

Ginger is one of the best treatments to reduce the appearance of these scars to a great extent.

As a Natural Skin Toner:

Ginger has the characteristics of aphrodisiac, antioxidant and toning properties. It works as a natural toner, it will leave you with a radiant, youthful skin when used every day.

A Simple Home remedy for acne:

A Simple Home remedy for acne: Ginger fights acne-causing bacteria and reduces acne breakouts. It is a powerful antiseptic and cleaning agent. It stimulates your skin to keep it healthy and free of acne.

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

Next time when a pimple pops up, just try rubbing a small slice of Ginger on it and enjoy the blemish-free and glowing skin.

Ginger heals burnt skin:

Ginger is a natural healer of burnt skin. It also helps to relieve the pain and restore the skin back to normal. By applying Ginger juice to the burnt skin twice a day for 6 to 12 weeks, scars can fade away. Make sure the burnt skin has cooled down before applying Ginger to it.

Ginger also works as a magical remedy for sun-damaged or sun-burned skin by restoring it to normal.

Why Use Ginger Oil instead of Ginger?

In these fast-moving times, we don’t have that extra time to grind ginger to extract the juice and use it. It’s a tiring job!

Don’t worry! We’re all on the same path. Well, I’ve got an amazing solution to this problem. It’s Ginger oil.

We’ve seen the various benefits of using Ginger, and I think you’ve figured out how important it is to use Ginger regularly for both internal health and to enhance your beauty.

Well, that’s a great decision!

However, I would recommend that you use Ginger oil instead of Ginger. Keep reading, and I’m sure you’re going to agree with me.

Ginger Oil for Relieving stress:

health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil

For many years Ayurveda has shown great results by using Ginger Oil to relieve stress and to heal emotional imbalances such as low self-confidence, nervousness, often sadness, lack of enthusiasm, and many such emotional difficulties.

Ginger Oil, is the oil which is extracted from Ginger.

Studies have shown that Ginger oil has more health benefits than Ginger due to its high Gingerol properties.

Gingerol is a content in Ginger that has antioxidants and inflammatory properties.

According to Aromatherapy, Ginger is nicknamed as the “oil of empowerment” due to its energizing effect and its characteristic of boosting confidence in those who inhale it.

How to use Ginger oil ?

Ginger oil has all the values and benefits that are present in Ginger, however today’s fast-moving generation prefers to use ginger oil instead of Ginger, let’s see why..

  • Ginger oil is easy to apply for glowing skin compared to the time-consuming process of making Ginger juice every day.
  • Always try to carry Ginger oil anywhere along with you as a remedy for problems like morning sickness and motion sickness. All you’ve got to do is keep smelling it.
  • It’s easy to add this oil to your hair packs for healthy dandruff free hair.
health benefits of Ginger & Ginger oil
  • It is more convenient to use Ginger oil to massage joints and arthritis pains. Add Ginger oil to the oil diffuser and enjoy the sweet and spicy aroma of Ginger for an extra emotional boost.
  • The taste of baked foods such as bread, cakes, and cookies can be enhanced by the spicy and warm flavor of Ginger oil.
  • Add 2 to 3 drops of Ginger oil to a glass of Luke warm water and should be consumed daily to strengthen the digestive system.
  • Ginger oil can be added to your diffuser to clear off the airways and to get relief from cold and coughs.
  • Regular use of Ginger oil may increase your immunity.
  • Ginger oil is known for its calming effect, mix Ginger oil with coconut oil when you are too tired, then have a good massage and see how magically you get recharged.

Caution: If you Pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before using this. Keep out of reach of children. Also, there is a possibility of skin sensitivity, if using Ginger oil do a patch test first.