Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
13 June 2020

Pumpkin Seeds, the Wondrous option for Greater Health

By Harika Nandipati
Benefits of Pumpkin seeds for health, hair and weight loss

Pumpkin, one of the most common vegetables ever!

Did you know that this is one of the most nutritious foods available to humans ?

Pumpkin seeds are packed with various nutrients recommended by the World Health Organization to be consumed on a regular basis.

In this article, I’m going to share all the amazing benefits of Pumpkin seeds shared to me by my Grandmother.

Before that Let’s go into a few details about the origin of the pumpkin..

History of Pumpkins:

Pumpkins were first discovered and called “Pompions” in North America, which has since evolved into the modern pumpkins.

They belong to the gourd family, similar as cucumbers, honey melons, and watermelons. They have been grown in America and Mexico for many centuries and now are grown in six continents.

Nutritional Value of Pumpkin and it’s seeds:

Pumpkin contains a very important antioxidant called beta-carotene. Because it is a plant carotenoid, it converts into vitamin A in the body when it is consumed. In this process of conversion to vitamin A, beta-carotene performs various functions to improve overall health, such as the protection against heart disease, prevention of certain cancers, the prevention of aging etc.

Health benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are packed with precious nutrients. Eating a small number of them can be very beneficial to overall health. They’re high in magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper. In addition to these minerals, pumpkin seeds also contain antioxidants, including carotenoids and vitamin E. Let’s get deeper into the benefits of pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds for Bone Health:

They are a good source of magnesium. Magnesium is necessary to improve your mood swings and emotional balance, it is also beneficial for bone formation. Studies have shown that the more magnesium-rich food is consumed, the higher the bone density.

Particularly in postmenopausal women to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Oxidative damage is the main reason behind osteoporosis and due to the antioxidants present in pumpkin seeds, this damage is reduced leading to good bone health.

Pumpkin Seeds and oil for healthy Skin:

benefits of pumpkin seeds for skin

As I have already mentioned, pumpkin seeds have carotenoids, this is the pigment that is responsible for the bright orange color of the pumpkin. These carotenoids fight free radicals that cause premature aging.

Vitamin A and C present in the seeds are useful for the production of collagen. Collagen is useful to keep your skin young and free from wrinkles. The pumpkin seed oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and Beta-carotene, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can treat acne, prevents bacteria, fungal infections, and blisters from massaging the skin.

Pumpkin Seeds for Healthy Heart:

Pumpkin seeds for healthy heart

Various heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart stroke, etc can be prevented by the use of pumpkin seeds. Research has shown that eating pumpkin seeds can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol and hardening of the blood vessels in order to avoid heart attacks and other heart problems.

Pumpkin seeds for Hair Growth:

Dry and brittle hair may become soft and lustrous by consuming pumpkin seeds. Zinc is a key component that promotes the production of hair protein and pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc.

A study has shown that pumpkin seed oil contains phytosterols, that hinder enzymes that break down hair proteins and boost hair growth in men with baldness by around 40 %.

Helps to control Diabetes:

Uses of pumpkin seeds for great health, hair and skin

With the presence of flavonoids and saponins, pumpkin seeds exhibit anti-diabetic properties by effectively controlling blood glucose levels.

Pumpkin seeds Boosts Immunity:

High levels of phytochemicals such as flavonoids, saponins, and higher amounts of antioxidants help pumpkin seeds to become one of the best foods to boost immunity. By adding them to your diet on a regular basis, especially in monsoons can reduce the possibility of viral infections that may lead to cold, cough, and flu.

Ways to add pumpkin seeds to your diet:

Pumpkin seeds to control diabetes

Pumpkin seeds can be taken raw or roasted. Roasted seeds are easier to consume and tastes better. You can add them along with other nuts to a bowl of oats and yogurt. You can use them to garnish soups and salads. They can be added to the baked foods. Powder the seeds and add a spoon of the powder per day to juice or milkshake.

How much to eat them in a day?

There is no concrete study of the side effects of eating pumpkin seeds, however, anything too much is definitely not good. In the case of these seeds, overeating may cause constipation and bloat. It is advisable not to eat more than 20 seeds a day.

In the case of pregnant women, pumpkin seeds are a great choice of food, but do not exceed 10 seeds per day and always consult your doctor.