Health Benefits of using copper utensils
3 June 2020

9 Benefits of Drinking from Copper Vessels

By Harika Nandipati

Copper probably was the most important metal used by our ancestors that it gave its name to “Copper age”, today better known as Chalcolithic. In this article, we will learn the amazing benefits of drinking from Copper Vessels.

In ancient times, copper was widely used in the form of coins, jewelry, utensils, and medicines, etc.

My Grandma’s suggestions:

My grandma has helped us understand the rich health and benefits of drinking from Copper Vessels every day.

I have many fond memories with my Granny and her many practices of staying close to nature and relishing it.

I still remember those beautiful childhood times when we were all given a glass of copper water to drink empty stomach every morning.

Benefits of drinking from copper vessels

My Granny made sure we all (my siblings and cousins) wear copper bracelets all through our childhood. Of course, I did not recognize its significance back then but now I understand why she forced us to wear them.

Grandmothers always do best to their grandkids, I am sure everyone with affectionate memories with grandparents will accept this.

Alright! Coming back to our subject, the benefits of drinking from a copper vessel. Following this regime of drinking copper water for years has helped my Granny to stay healthy and active even in her late 70s.

Synopsis on the Benefits of Drinking water from Copper Vessels.

Copper is one of the essential micro-nutrient that cannot be produced in our body.
Hence, copper has to be obtained from external sources.

Of course, copper can also be obtained through various foods. Such as beans, nuts, avocado, beets, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, soy, seafood such as oysters, and cocoa.
Nonetheless, the easiest and most practiced way to introduce copper into your body in the old days is through drinking water from copper vessels.

benefits of drinking water from copper vessel

The other ways could be to eat in copper utensils and to wear copper jewelry. However, they are less effective than drinking copper water.

Let’s dig deeper that just might come as a great surprise to you!
If you are anything like me, I am sure you will start this wonderful regime of using copper in your daily life right away. I promise it’s worth it!

9 Incredible Benefits of Drinking from Copper Vessels:

1. As an Antibacterial:

How many of us (at least this generation), know that copper destroys and hinders the growth of microbes, bacteria and fungi?

Yes! That’s true, copper is naturally antimicrobial, it can even destroy the growth of bacteria like E.coli.

Bacteria and fungi cannot survive for long in copper utensils.

benefits of drinking from copper vessels

This is the main reason behind the ancient habit of drinking from water stored in copper utensils overnight.

Till today, my granny has ensured that she drank at least four glasses of copper water every morning.

Water stored in the copper vessels has wonderful therapeutic values, passed down to us by our ancestors. Most ancient cultures used copper to sterilize wounds and as drinking water.

2. An Anti-aging miracle:

Copper is one of the best ancient remedies for anti-aging due to its antioxidant properties that can safeguard your skin from free radicals.

Benefits of drinking from copper vessels

It can also improve your skin condition by producing collagen and elastin to prevent premature aging along with promoting skin elasticity.

It also helps heal and hydrate the skin. The best examples of ancient beauties who used copper as their beauty regime to stay youthful are Cleopatra and Nefertiti.

Nowadays copper has become a trending ingredient used in creams and serums with promising anti-aging results.

3.Aids Weight-loss:

Copper plays an instrumental role in the destruction of dangerous bacteria in the stomach. It also reduces inflammation and is a perfect cure for ulcers, indigestion, and infections.

Copper plays the most important role in the purification and detoxification of the stomach.

It also regulates the work of the liver and kidneys in the proper disposal of waste. This leads to the absorption of nutrients from food.

Copper can break down the fat and wipe it off efficiently. It also tunes your digestive system. You can also read 3 incredible items to lose weight fast.

4. Prevents Stroke:

When the water is stored in a copper vessel for at least eight hours.

Benefits of drinking from copper vessels

Some of the copper ions can be released into the water through a process called the Oligodynamic effect.
The anticonvulsant properties of copper can effectively prevent seizures.

Research has shown that copper can control blood pressure, heart rate, and lower one’s bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

 Also, with its antioxidant properties, copper will minimize the risk of a stroke by reducing the oxidants to work faster.  

Studies have shown that Copper deficiency can lead to heart muscle dysfunction and a lack of blood pumping.

Apart from this, other issues are the loss of blood circulation in the body and the inability to respond correctly to stress.

 5. Prevents Cancer:

Benefits of drinking from copper vessels

Cancer, a scary term that has become very popular these days. This deadly illness can be debilitating for both patients and their families.

The good news, however, is that copper can fight off free radicals with its powerful antioxidant properties.

One of the main reasons for the development of cancer cells is free radicals in the body.

Drinking copper water will reduce the risk of cancer.

6. Aids in healing wounds:

Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties’ copper can heal your wounds faster both externally and internally (especially in the stomach).

Benefits of drinking from copper vessels

Not only that, but copper can also boost the immune system and help in the production of new cells.

Copper will also protect you from infections by effectively killing the bacteria due to its oligodynamic nature. This is the reason why drinking water from Copper Vessels has amazing healing benefits.

 7. Acts as a Brain Stimulant:

Our brain functions by passing signals from one neuron to another in a region known as synapses.

A sheath called myelin sheath serves as a kind of conductive agent to protect such neurons. It also supports the flow of impulses.

Copper actually helps with the synthesis of phospholipids that are important for the formation of these myelin sheaths. It makes the brain function much quicker and more effectively.

 8. Prevents Anemia:

One of the most important benefits of drinking from copper vessels is that it helps to combat anemia.

Copper helps to break down the food to produce hemoglobin and helps the body absorb and use iron efficiently.

Benefits of drinking from copper vessels

Iron deficiency, as we all know, can lead to anemia. Thus, copper plays a vital role in the prevention of anemia. By keeping the iron levels up by regulating its own in your blood vessels.

9. Can Cure Arthritis and Inflamed joints:

Copper can heal arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis with its anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, it relieves aches and pains caused by swollen joints.

How to use Copper Vessel in the right way?

As we now learn, copper is an essential resource for the human body.

Water should be stored in a copper vessel for 8 to 10 hours, for higher benefits.

Copper helps to maintain the body’s PH balance by making the water iconic.

Since we know why to drink water from copper vessels, let us now know

How to use copper vessel for wonderful healing benefits

  • Fill the copper vessel with water and store it in a cool dry place.
  • In order to receive incredible benefits of copper water, store the water for only 8 to 10 hours and not more.
  • The perfect time to drink this infusion of water is early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Do not refrigerate the copper vessel for healing benefits.
Benefits of drinking from copper vessels
  • Note that anything overdone is going to turn bad. To obtain the amazing benefits of drinking from Copper vessels should be only once or twice a day, not more than that.
  • Follow a constant regime by taking a break in between. For instance, if you drink this water continuously for 2 months, take a break for a month, and then continue for another 2 months.

Tips while buying a copper vessel

Be aware that there are many low-quality producers and sellers of copper utensils in the market. As they may try to sell adulterated copper or use chemicals on the surface of the copper that contaminate the water stored inside.

Below are the ways to identify a pure one.

  • Check the vendor’s credibility to ensure the quality of the copper vessel before purchase.
  • Check the copper vessel thoroughly while you buy it. As it should be 100% copper and no other metals should be mixed with it.
  • If you’re buying a copper vessel, make sure the inner surface is also copper. As some brands have copper only on the top but inside, a different material.